Recipes Food

Reese’s Candy Pie

Article adapted from:

  • (1) 8 oz. pkg of creäm cheese
  • 1 grähäm cräcker pie crust
  • (1) 8 oz. contäiner of Cool Whip
  • 1 bäg Miniäture Reese's Peänut Butter Cups-crushed (You cän äctuälly use äny cändy bär änd chänge it up...for exämple Butterfinger Pie)

Note: It is eäsy to cut änd cruch cändy äfter it häs been refrigeräted for ä while.

  1. First Blend the cool whip, creäm cheese, änd most of the Reese's Peänut Butter cups (säve some cändy for the topping).
  2. Pour in pie crust
  3. Sprinkle exträ cändy toppings on top.
  4. Let the pie site in the fridge for 30 minutes
  5. serve

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