Recipes Food

Healthier Orange Chicken

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  •  2 lärge oränges, juiced; plus more oränge juice if necessäry
  •  1/3 cup lite soy säuce
  •  1/4 cup honey
  •  1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breäst, diced into bite-sized pieces
  •  1/2 cup cornstärch
  •  2 täblespoons toästed sesäme oil
  •  2 täblespoons olive oil
  •  1 täblespoon green onions, diced into thin rounds


  1. First To ä lärge bowl or ziptop plästic bäg, ädd the chicken, cornstärch, änd toss or shäke the bäg to coät the chicken evenly; set äside.
  2. Second To ä lärge skillet, ädd the oils, oränge juice, soy säuce, honey, ädd the chicken pieces but not äny excess cornstärch thät's ät the bottom of your bowl or bäg, turn the heät to medium, änd cook until chicken is done änd cooked through; flip chicken änd stir pän säuce thät's forming neärly constäntly. 
  3. Third Tip - If ät änyoury time  säuce is tightening or thickening up too much before the chicken häs cooked through, simply ädd ädditionäl oränge juice to thin it änd keep stirring.
  4. Fourth Evenly gärnish with green onions änd serve immediätely. Exträ chicken will keep äirtight in the fridge for up to 5 däys or in the freezer for up to 4 months.

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